Providing Everything You Need!

4 Months Transformation Program
It's about habit change and transformation.
When you want to change the way you feel and see yourself, and transform in and out,
you must establish a routine, but you may not know how to get started.
This is a structured program designed to guide you to uncover what's been stopping you or holding you down from the way you want to be.
You will:
Discover which foods and lifestyle habits are bringing you down ... and what to do about it.
Develop a powerful vision for your body transformation and what it will mean for you and your life.
Get crystal clear on a step-by-step plan to create your transformation.

Optimum Health
You are a motivated individual who wants or needs to make significant diet and lifestyle changes and are feeling overwhelmed to begin. I’ll help you to retake control to make empowered choices to implement a healthy lifestyle so that you can have the confidence to achieve wellness.
Following the principles of Functional Nutrition on my 3 R’s system, Remove, Restore and Regulate.
I’ll help you Remove the obstacles (about your diet and lifestyle) and establish good habit changes, Restore by creating an infrastructure within inside you that allows healing so then you can Regulate your course using practices and or treatments that are familiar to us or to your practitioner, for addressing your condition. I’ll help you develop a wellness vision and I’ll hold your vision as you move towards it with commitment to a successful transformative lifestyle change, so that you can have the confidence to rebalance your body systems for optimal function.
Next Step
For you who have experienced coaching with me. You have a vision to achieve wellness, and you would like some extra support to continue advancing towards your long term dreamed goal.
Here, look forward to going deep into your beliefs and values to uncover your motivations, discover your strength and design your pathway.

Group Wellness Education
Wellness education can empower health equity efforts by empowering the community to protect itself and support each other. By helping people understand their own health and well-being, wellness education can also enable them to make informed decisions about how they live their lives. Teaching and lecturing on self-care skills, nutrition and goal achievements on small private groups, schools and corporate settings.